August 21st 2017
The Leo New Moon calls forth our leadership, creativity, and passion. This is a rare second consecutive New Moon in Leo, and a total solar eclipse. The Moon’s shadow blocks the light of the Sun, resetting consciousness and opening doors to new realities. All solar and Leonine themes are amplified by the eclipse’s conjunction with Regulus, the heart of the Lion. This powerful fixed star, the “little king,” is associated with royalty and authority, and it recently made a major shift.

Like any new moon, a solar eclipse represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. An eclipse cycle of six months not a new moon cycle of four weeks. The strongest and most important aspect in astrology is Sun conjunct Moon. It means all possibilities are on the table and you can rightly put yourself in the forefront of new plans for the future.

Mars and the North Node are also in Leo and conjunct this eclipse, signifying a renewal and evolution of the masculine. Leo rules the heart, and an openhearted Mars in Leo is the warrior of love, the warrior who strives for the light. The Leo Stellium (Mars, Sun, Moon, Mercury) forms a grand trine with Saturn in Sagittarius and Eris and Uranus in Aries. This activation of the fire element can provide a jumpstart in areas where we’ve been stuck or stagnant. The cooperation between Mars and Saturn supports creative action and strategic risk-taking in service to our goals. At the same time, this much fire can indicate a potential for recklessness, rage, overconfidence, and accidents. Eclipses carry a powerful emotional charge — in this case, very hot feelings. Mercury is retrograde, along with Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Eris, so we may need to be patient with the unfolding of our New Moon beginnings

Higher self awareness, increased intuition and flashes of insight will lead to self-discovery and revelations. As a super potent New Moon, the seeds we plant at this solar eclipse will develop over the next six months, and even the next 19 years. Solar eclipse August 2017 will energize you to complete your goals and set ambitious new personal and professional goals. Determined and sustained effort will bring the growth and happiness you desire.

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